Encaustic on hardboard 12″ X 27″

Encaustic on hardboard 12″ X 27″
Responding to the reversal of Roe vs Wade, and a woman’s right to choose I created these two pieces. There were so many thoughts and emotions that came racing forward with the reversal of Roe vs Wade. How can this have happened? I was among the first generation of women to have this freedom and now it has been taken away. How will this affect the next generation of women and those who are in the throes of these very personal decisions now? Yes, there is anger and betrayal, a sense of futility and disbelief. When I considered how to articulate this in a work of art, I knew I wanted to focus on the deeply personal shift that the loss of CHOICE has on us. That it affects us at a personal intimate level. That it fractures and undermines our sense of self. That we struggle with the loss of our own autonomy, and that we fear for what is next.