We are all experiencing the impact of climate change. We’ve witnessed summer days thickened with smoke from unprecedented wildfires and extreme weather events destroying untold lives. And yet we haven’t found a way to act or even talk about it in a meaningful way.
There is no doubt that we are overwhelmed by the current onslaught of risks to our lives. The current global pandemic, gun violence, social and political unrest are all front page news – in the papers, and in our minds. But there is no bigger threat to our future than the health of our planet.
I want my art to contribute to a new dialogue about climate change in a way that will provoke without being judgmental. Through the traditional subject of landscapes, I’ve focused on severe weather events and wildfires as subjects in order to emphasize that this is our legacy. Unless we act, this is our new normal. We can continue to be apathetic and stymied, or we can start the discussion about how we can create a better future.
I am an artist from the Pacific Northwest living on an island in Puget Sound. I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Pacific Lutheran University and a career in User Experience Design.
For those interested in purchasing or representing my work, please contact me. All paintings are available for sale unless otherwise noted.